

I have a history of coming up with slightly pathetic New Year’s Resolutions. “Drink in moderation.” “End the year richer than I started it.” That sort of thing. But in January 2014 my grandmother died at the age of 93, having lived an astonishingly full life, and I realised I wanted to do a bit more, push myself a bit harder.

So I picked a slightly odd goal. My grandmother was a lover of English literature – she did her first degree in the subject while working full-time and being an ARP warden in London (I did mention it was an astonishingly full life). It seemed fitting that whatever I chose to do should reflect her interest. She also didn’t really believe in being frivolous – her idea of fun was to pick up a qualification in medieval Spanish while in her eighties. Shakespeare seemed to me to be a good idea – educational, hopefully enjoyable, and an area where my own inclination towards sciences had left some gaps in my education.

Thus the Ten Year Shakespeare New Year Resolution was formed – a long-ish term project to see all of Shakespeare’s 38 plays, performed on stage. A friend suggested I blog about it and here we are. And since a blog with an average of four posts a year would be a little dull (and also everyone has decided I must now be Shakespeare-obsessed and sends me random things from the internet) it has grown somewhat into a Shakespeare miscellany – quotes, history, fantasy casting, whatever takes my fancy.

You’ll still find a core of reviews – helpfully tagged – but have a look around and you may find something else to amuse you!

5 thoughts on “About

    • Hello and welcome! I’m not sure I could pick a single production: some of my favourites have been Henry V by Antic Disposition set in World War One (and I’ve heard a rumour they might bring that back to celebrate the centenary of the end of the war, so watch this space…), Hamlet with Andrew Scott at the Almeida, and As You Like It at the National Theatre. And I’m always on the lookout for new productions!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Andrew Scott is insane i saw him in Sea Wall last week at the Old Vic . The globe have got Othello going on atm with MArk Rylance as Iago so thats going to be brill i reckon, off to see it in 2 weeks woo

        Liked by 1 person

      • Andrew Scott is just fabulous and at the top of a list of actors I will go to see in anything. Mark Rylance is also on that list – I saw him as Richard III years ago, and just recently in All Places that the Eye of Heaven visits – and I too am very excited for Othello!


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